Joint Journeys
My work is the natural evolution of decades of trainings and experiences around the world, in the fields of psychology, business, politics, and the media.
I weave in approaches and perspectives from three different fields:
Psychology — depth psychology, dreamwork, inter-generational dynamics, somatic work, EMDR.
Leadership coaching and strategic advisory in business, politics and non-profits.
Wisdom schools, spiritual traditions, shamanism, and energy work.
All along, I share practical tools to navigate life and relationships. According to each situation, we travel from the most pragmatic business challenges to geopolitics, from the most comprehensive self-awareness tools to ancient schools of wisdom.
Each 'joint journey' as I like to call my work, is unique, tailored every step of the way to the needs of the client. For some, it is a one-on-one process to help a person grow, explore their multi-faceted self and walk towards a 'life well lived'. For others, it is about thriving in their professional impact in the world. At times, the individual work expands to the team or the entire organization.

Who do I work with?
I work with individuals and organizations around the world — business and nonprofits, in one-on-one or group settings. When it can enhance the process, I bring in collaborators from other fields of personal development and team building.
What is a life well lived?
There is a question I like to ask: If we meet when you are 90' and I ask 'was yours a life well lived?', what would it entail for you to be able to answer with a frank 'yes'?
The answer to that question informs our choices today, and helps us journey with more authenticity and fulfillment. Yet to answer this question accurately, we need to understand much more in depth who is the "I" that speaks.
We are multifaceted beings, each facet with its own set of qualities, needs, fears and versions of what is a 'life well lived'.
The Roundtable of Inner Characters
In order to decipher those different facets, I developed a tool, called the Roundtable of Inner Characters. It is a practical and in-depth way to explore our various sides, to understand more who they are, what they want, how to navigate their realities, which can seem contradictory at times. You can read more about your Wise One, your Doer, your Lover, your Caretaker, your Hermit and the others here.
Why is my practice called Neidan?
Alchemy is an ancient philosophy which has traversed cultures and ages under different guises, from Ancient Egypt and Greece, to India and China. It is a way to connect to the ultimate essence of things and beings.
In China, this ancient tradition is called Neidan — Nei for internal, Dan for essence, or elixir. Neidan represents a multitude of ways —philosophical, physical, scientific, metaphysical — devised over millennia to connect to that ‘inner elixir’, to identify and develop our inner ‘seeds of gold’.
At my own scale, and with a 21st century perspective, I founded Neidan with the same objective — helping people and organizations find and manifest their core essence, becoming ‘who they are meant to be’.

Inspirations & Teachers
Carl Jung &
depth psychology
Victor Frankl & the search for a meaningful life
The Wisdom Teachers, Seers and Shamans, I have been fortunate to encounter and ‘joint journey’ with
John O'Donohue, for blessing the space between us & illuminating us with timeless wisdom
The Dalai Lama & my blessed times in H.H. company
The creative forces, artists, authors, designers, crafts-masters, scientists, filmmakers I have been inspired & touched by
Laura Inserra & the power of sound to discover, heal and transform
Archeologist & mythologist Marija Gimbutas and her revolutionary understanding of who we were before “history began” (egalitarian, peaceful societies…) — along with the historians, researchers, authors who echoed and amplified her paradigm shifts
Mark Wolynn & the tools to address our trans-generational baggage
J. Krishnamurti & the permission to find one’s own truth
Lou Andreas Salomé
& the courage to be oneself